Testodex Cypionate 250

Testodex Cypionate 250

Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Testosterone Cypionate
Dosage: 250 mg/mL
Manufacturer: Sciroxx
Routes of Administration: By Intramuscular Injection
Price per 1 Vial [10 mL per Vial]

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Testodex Cypionate 250 Detailed

Legit Testodex Cypionate 250 Injections

In order to succeed in strength sports, athletes are forced to train hard in gyms and adhere to a strict diet. The human body knows no boundaries and is capable of much, but it needs help from outside.

Athletes in bodybuilding, powerlifting and triathlon are forced to resort to this kind of help using various drugs that increase strength and endurance. One of the most popular is Testodex Cypionate 250.

Drug Description

Testodex Cypionate 250 from Sxiroxx belongs to the group of steroid anabolics. Differs in the prolonged action. Helps athletes who prefer long courses to gain muscle mass. The length of the ester chain of any steroid drug affects the duration of its action. Cypionate received the longest testosterone ester, due to which it is smoothly released into the blood. Available in the form of an oily solution for injection. Possesses:

duration of action in two weeks

  • a half-life of 10–12 days
  • detection in the blood for another 3 months after the end of the course
  • slight hepatoxicity.

Professional trainers and athletes know that Testodex Cypionate 250 is characterized by a high ability to aromatize, therefore it requires mandatory post-cycle therapy.

Testodex Cypionate 250 allows you to get the following positive results from taking:

  • fast and high-quality growth of dry muscle mass
  • pumping effect
  • improvement of endurance and strength indicators
  • increases appetite and libido
  • the most effective work of muscles during training, due to the increased production of red blood cells in the blood and blood oxygen saturation
  • positive nitrogen balance due to accelerated protein synthesis.

In addition, Testodex Cypionate 250 is also worth buying due to the fact that it affects not only the physical form, but also the emotional state of the athlete. Athletes note an improvement in mood, an increase in vitality. Muscles acquire shape, the body acquires the correct proportions. The muscle loss effect is negligible.

Dosage and Usage

Most often, athletes take the Testodex Cypionate 250 cycle, following one of the schemes:

  • injection once a week 250–500 milligrams
  • weekly injections of Testodex Cypionate 250 at a dosage of 800 milligrams (it is recommended to carry out under the close attention of physicians and trainers).

The solo cycle is able to provide excellent results, therefore it does not require the connection of additional preparations in a stack. But some athletes, in order to obtain an enhanced effect, still add Nadrolone, Equipoise. In this case, the dosage of each substance will be 200 milligrams per week. The duration of the cycle should not exceed 12 weeks. The estimated growth of muscle mass is about 6 kg. The muscle loss effect takes no more than 1/3 of the result obtained.

Post Cycle Therapy

From the second week of the cycle, Tamoxifen must be connected to Testodex Cypionate 250. This drug blocks the action of estrogens. Dosage - 10 mg per day. Stop taking Tamoxifen two weeks after the end of the cycle. Another option could be Proviron, and some athletes find this drug to be much more effective. After the course of Testodex Cypionate 250 is over, care must be taken to restore the body's production of its own testosterone. Antiestrogens will reduce the percentage of accumulated water and suppress the development of gynecomastia.

Possible Side Effects

Any interference in the normal activity of the body cannot pass completely without a trace. A disturbed hormonal background can notify itself with such side effects:

  • increased oiliness of the skin
  • acne
  • baldness
  • increased blood pressure
  • irritability
  • decreased sexual desire and depression.

To minimize all negative consequences, you can use the drug responsibly. Do not neglect the systematic medical examinations and recommendations of doctors regarding the dosage and duration of the course.

Before giving permission for the injection of Testodex Cypionate 250, doctors conduct a medical examination, the purpose of which is to exclude the following diseases and pathologies in the body of an athlete:

  • individual intolerance to the drug or one of its components
  • oncological diseases
  • pathology of the liver and kidneys
  • cardiovascular insufficiency.

Testodex Cypionate 250 is contraindicated in female athletes, as it is characterized by a strong androgenic effect. Neglect of the recommendations will inevitably lead to the development of secondary sexual characteristics: a change in body proportions, a coarsening of the voice, an increase in oily skin, a male-type hair. It is important to know that all changes are irreversible, that is, they will not disappear after the end of the course.

Further Reading

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