Testabol Depot
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Ingredient: Testosterone Cypionate
Dosage: 250 mg/mL
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Routes of Administration: By Intramuscular Injection
Price per 1 Vial [10 mL per Vial]
Testabol Depot Detailed
Legit Testabol Depot Injections
Testabol Depot - is one of the most complex varieties of Testosterone. The substance slowly decomposes, therefore, it acts for a long time. The product is popular among bodybuilders due to its significant anabolic and androgenic activity. It is taken to build muscle mass and improve athletic performance. At the moment, it is one of the most popular anabolic agents.
Note! The price of the Testabol Depot from British Dragon pleasantly surprises buyers. With a very decent quality, the cost is quite low.
Activity period: 14β16 days.
Detection time on doping tests: 3β4 months.
Drug Description
Properties and effects:
- High efficiency. It provides a significant set of muscle mass, helping the athlete gain up to 10 kg. And in combination with Nandrolone, you can gain up to 14 kg of fairly high-quality muscle mass.
- Long-term activity. Due to its powerful and uniform action for several days, it does not require frequent administration;
- Strengthening bones and ligaments. Testabol Depot has not only steroid properties, but also a healing effect on the musculoskeletal system. Anabolic intake contributes to the delay and better absorption of elements useful for bones. As a result, the skeleton becomes stronger, the joints can withstand heavy loads;
- Excellent quality. Does not leave marks after injections and does not cause discomfort during the reception. Compiled according to the instructions, the course has no side effects. Only certified products can boast such properties;
- Improving well-being and increasing overall tone. During the reception, the mood improves. Workouts become easier and more intense. Libido increases, appetite improves.
Positive effects:
- Appetite improvement.
- Acceleration of metabolism.
- Stimulation of protein production.
- Increasing sexual activity.
- Improvement of oxygen exchange.
- Suppression of catabolism.
Results: a significant increase in muscle mass, improved strength performance.
Dosage and Usage
The duration of the course is 6β8 weeks. It is not recommended to extend the reception: this will not enhance the result, but only harm health. Weekly dose - 250-600 mg. Beginners should start with a minimum amount. Experienced professional athletes can increase the dose to a gram. It should be taken 1β2 times a week.
Possible Side Effects
Cypionate esters are considered fairly harmless anabolics. However, misuse and abuse can cause baldness, gynecomastia, acne, increased hair growth on the face and body, aggression, increased blood pressure, excessive water retention.
A significant drawback is the susceptibility to aromatization. The active substance can turn into estrogens, which increases the risk of serious disorders in the body. Minimize harm to health will help: Proviron and Gonadotropin at a dosage of 1000 IU once a week.
Carefully! Such drugs reduce the production of a natural hormone. Hence - lethargy at the end of the course, kickbacks, decreased libido. To restore the normal synthesis of endogenous testosterone, it is necessary to arrange PCT with boosters.
Further Reading
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Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Testosterone Cypionate
Dosage: 250 mg/mL
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Routes of Administration: By Intramuscular Injection
Price per 1 Vial [10 mL per Vial]
Note: Warming and shaking the vial
should redissolve any crystals
that may have formed
during storage or shipping at a
temperature lower than recommended
Lab Tested: View Lab Results
Active Ingredient: Testosterone Cypionate
Dosage: 250 mg/mL
Manufacturer: Generic Asia
Routes of Administration: By Intramuscular Injection
Price per 5 Amps [1 mL per Amp]
Lab Tested: View Lab Results
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Testosterone Cypionate
Dosage: 250 mg/mL
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Routes of Administration: By Intramuscular Injection
Price per 1 Vial [10 mL per Vial]
Note: Warming and shaking the vial
should redissolve any crystals
that may have formed
during storage or shipping at a
temperature lower than recommended