Sustanon 270 Sustanon 270 Sustanon 270
Dragon Pharma

Sustanon 270

55.00 USD

Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredients:
- Testosterone Acetate 20 mg/ml
- Testosterone Propionate 30 mg/ml
- Testosterone Phenylpropionate 60 mg/ml
- Testosterone Isocaproate 60 mg/ml
- Testosterone Decanoate 100 mg/ml
Dosage: 270 mg/ml
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Routes of Administration: By Intramuscular Injection
Price per 1 Vial [10 mL per Vial]
Lab Tested: View Lab Results

Shipping From:
U.S. Domestic

Sustanon 270 Detailed

Legit Sustanon 270 Injections

Sustanon 270 by Dragon Pharma is a well-known steroid drug that belongs to a number of the most powerful anabolics. The chemical composition consists of five testosterone esters: propionate, decanoate, isocarpoate, phenylpropionate and acetate. All five esters form an effective complex, they are absorbed by the body sequentially, which ensures a uniform balanced hormonal background during the cycle and gives positive results upon its completion. Sustanon 270 is available in the form of injections, one vial contains 10 ml and 250 mg of the active substance per 1 ml. This drug is characterized by a high anabolic and androgenic effect on the body, which is used exclusively in sports. It is especially popular among representatives of power disciplines - weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding.

The advantage of this product is that its average need to inject once a week. The highest concentration of testosterone in the blood reaches half a month after ingestion, a month after the last injection it drops to almost zero. It is also impossible to buy Sustanon 270 in the USA.

Product Lab Certification

sustanon 270 product lab certification

Drug Description

Professional athletes and beginners are recommended to buy Dragon Pharma'sย Sustanon 270 due to the positive properties of this steroid drug:

  • rapid growth of high-quality muscle mass;
  • helps to restore strength after exhausting workouts and loads;
  • increased libido and erection;
  • reduces stress on joints and ligaments;
  • reduces pain during exercise;
  • increased appetite;
  • increase in strength indicators and endurance of the body;
  • a mild phenomenon of "rollback" at the end of the cycle;
  • does not cause accumulation of water in muscle tissue.

Sustanon 270 reviews left by experienced athletes confirm the rationality of the cycle. This steroid raises the erythrocyte component of the blood, thereby increasing the oxygen saturation of muscle tissue cells. As a result, physical capabilities increase, in the shortest possible time it provides high-quality and shaped muscle growth. The components that make up the drug function in turn, eliminating the need for frequent injections.

Dosage and Usage

Sustanon 270 cycle should be started according to the appointment of optimal dosages by a sports doctor or trainer, which are based on the physical indicators of the athlete: gender, age, sports experience and goals. It is necessary to start the drug with a weekly dosage of 270-540 mg. The duration of the cycle is not more than 8 weeks. This steroid drug effectively functions in the stack with: Boldenone - fast weight gain, Winstrol - relief and muscle drying.

After completing the cycle, it is necessary to undergo a restorative PCT, observe the daily regimen and nutrition, it is desirable to include vitamins and proteins. Start PCT two weeks after the last injection. The duration of therapy is 2โ€“3 weeks.

Women are not recommended to take Sustanon 270 by Dragon Pharma, it can lead to hormonal imbalance.

Possible Side Effects

Sustanon 270 is recommended to be taken without abuse and without exceeding the dosage in order to reduce the risk of unwanted side effects. The cycle must include antiestrogens: Clomid or Nolvadex. Undesirable side reactions can be manifested by acne, headaches, baldness, or vice versa, increased hair growth all over the body. All these symptoms are individual and due to genetic predisposition. With the manifestation of androgenic adverse reactions, the cycle of application must be interrupted. With the elimination of adverse reactions, the use of the drug can be continued at lower dosages.

Competitive athletes should take this drug with caution, it is easy to detect on doping control three months after the last injection. The price of Sustanon 270 is quite acceptable for athletes, high quality and its effectiveness make this product in demand not only among professional, but also beginner athletes.

Further Reading

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