British Dragon


Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Oxandrolone
Dosage: 10 mg/pill
Manufacturer: British Dragon Pharmaceuticals
Routes of Administration: By Mouth
Price per 100 Tablets

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Oxanabol Detailed

Legit Oxanabol Tablets

Oxanabol by British Dragon, has the main active substance as Oxandrolone, which is an anabolic and androgenic steroid. It appeared in 1964, then the company Searle Laboratories was engaged in the release of the drug. Like other AAS, from the very beginning, this tool was used in medicine. With its help, they treated anemia, Turner's syndrome, fought HIV, the drug helped strengthen bone tissue and accelerated recovery from burns. After a short time, Oxandrolone began to be actively used in bodybuilding. Now many athletes want to buy Oxanabol because of its low androgenic index and high anabolic activity.

Drug Description

Oxanabol cannot be attributed to the cheapest steroid drugs, but its price is fully justified by the safety of use. It is allowed to be used even by female athletes.

Purchasing Oxanabol is often desired to increase physical capabilities in terms of building endurance and strength, and the main effect of the steroid is aimed at adding a shape to the muscle mass. These properties are highly appreciated by bodybuilders on the "drying" cycle. Oxandrolone can also be used on a mass-gaining cycle in combination with other steroid substances in order to get a more pronounced result in terms of muscle shape and to obtain the highest quality muscle volumes.

Oxanabol is endowed with these properties due to its high anabolic effect - 400% of testosterone and low androgenic index - 25% of testosterone. Such a steroid profile makes the drug one of the most suitable for women. The duration of the tablets is 12 hours. You can detect traces of the drug in the body on a doping test 1.5 months after the cycle.

In general, Oxandrolone has the following positive effects:

  • Increasing power capabilities. Oxandrolone is very popular among boxers, skiers, athletes and representatives of sports disciplines where there are weight categories. The steroid allows you to increase strength and endurance, shape the body, while not too affecting the growth of muscle mass.
  • Increased muscle hardness and vascularity. The drug is often taken for this purpose. Bodybuilders during the "drying" with Oxanabol get high-quality and sculpted muscles without excess water.
  • An increase in the concentration of natural growth hormone in the body.
  • Burning of subcutaneous fat deposits, pronounced vascularity.

Quite often, this steroid is used by beginners in bodybuilding or athletes who have a high tendency to aromatize. Oxandrolone does not cause an increase in the concentration of estrogen in the body, so it is not characterized by gynecomastia, increased swelling and other undesirable reactions.

Dosage and Usage

A solo cycle of Oxanabol often lasts 6โ€“8 weeks. This period is enough for the steroid to produce a pronounced effect of drying the muscles. The optimal dosage of the drug is 20-80 mg daily, the dose is selected for each athlete individually. It is best to start the cycle with a minimum dose of 20 mg on the first day, gradually increasing it by 10 mg every day until the optimal dosage. So the body will gradually get used to the action of the drug. It is best for athletes to stay on British Dragon'sย Oxanabol dosages of 10-20 mg daily for 6 weeks.

After completion of the cycle, after 2 days it is necessary to start post-cycle therapy. In this case, Nolvadex or Clomid should be used for 2 weeks, testosterone boosters will also not interfere in order to normalize the level of the male hormone in the body.

In addition to the solo cycle, Oxandrolone is also often used in combination with other drugs. For this, products with a high androgenic index are suitable - Primobolan, Sustanon or testosterone esters. In this case, the dosage of Oxanabol on the combined cycle should not exceed 40 mg daily.

Possible Side Effects

Oxanabol is a rather "mild" steroid drug with a minimal risk of developing negative reactions, so the drug does not provoke aromatization in the body and does not affect the liver.

In the event of an overdose, the athlete may experience inhibition of the production of natural testosterone in the body, which can adversely affect health. Therefore, after completing the cycle, it is imperative to conduct PCT.

Further Reading

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