Anavar 50
Dragon Pharma

Anavar 50

250.00 USD

Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Oxandrolone
Dosage: 50 mg/pill
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Routes of Administration: By Mouth
Price per 100 Tablets

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Anavar 50 Detailed

Legit Anavar 50 Tablets

Anavar 50 from the manufacturer Dragon Pharma is a tablet steroid that has a mild effect on the body. This drug is the safest on the modern pharmacology market. Due to this, athletes of any level of training, regardless of gender, can buy Dragon Pharma's Anavar 50 for subsequent use. You can buy drugs for athletes on favorable terms in our online store.

Drug Description

Anavar 50 is a derivative of dihydrotestosterone. Like the original hormone, this substance is not able to aromatize. Also, progestogenic activity is not characteristic to it. Unlike dihydrotestosterone, Oxandrolone is a strong anabolic and a weak androgen. The indicators of these types of activity are 400 and 25 percent, respectively. Note that it is the weakest androgen among all anabolic-androgenic steroids. Despite the high anabolic activity, this steroid will not allow you to gain a large amount of mass. Therefore, it is used mainly during the drying period, where it shows the best results.

We note the main positive qualities:

  • actively stimulates fat burning processes;
  • improves the relief of the body;
  • accelerates the production of endogenous growth hormone;
  • increases efficiency, endurance and strength;
  • the vascularity of the muscles improves, as well as their hardness and density.

Although it is a light drug, the price of DP Anavar 50 seems slightly overpriced to many athletes. However, it is impossible to talk about the cost of a particular steroid drug, based only on the strength of the effect on the body. Anavar 50 is a quality drug, and you have to pay for it.

Dosage and Usage

As mentioned above, this drug can be used by men and women with minimal risks of side effects. For women, the recommended daily dosage is in the range of 10-20 mg. It is quite obvious that men in a similar time period can be used in much larger quantities - up to 80 mg. The duration of the cycle is 6–8 weeks.

We recommend combining Anavar 50 with injectable anabolics only. The use of two or more anabolic tablets increases the load on the liver. Although in the entire history of the use of drugs in this group of information about the appearance of problems with the liver, it makes no sense to take risks.

It should be said right away that women can also order Anavar 50 from Dragon Pharma for combined use. Despite this, the choice of AAS combinations for them is limited only to primobolan. But men can combine it not only with primobolan, but also with testosterone propionate, trenbolone acetate, masteron, and nandrolone phenylpropionate. Oxandrolone is rarely introduced into mass-gaining cycles.

Possible Side Effects

Having studied reviews of Anavar 50 from Dragon Pharma, you will be convinced of the high level of safety of this drug. It does not have progestogenic and estrogenic activity, and this drug also has a low androgenic activity. As a result, on anavar cycles, you are guaranteed not to encounter these types of side effects. We also note that it extremely weakly suppresses the performance of the pituitary axis. Many athletes do not even carry out post-cycle therapy after solo cycles.

Anavar 50 Lab Test Results

anavar 50 lab test results

Further Reading

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