Testaplex E 250

Testaplex E 250

44.00 USD

Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid; Androgen Ester
Active Ingredient: Testosterone Enanthate
Dosage: 250 mg/mL
Manufacturer: Axiolabs
Routes of Administration: By Intramuscular Injection
Price per 1 Vial [10 mL per Vial]

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Testaplex E 250 Detailed

Legit Testaplex E 250 Injections

Testaplex E 250 by Axiolabs is a complex modification of an artificial male hormone widely used in sports medicine. Due to its pronounced anabolic properties, the drug is very popular among bodybuilders: it gives a visible result both solo and in combos. This steroid helps to gain up to 5–8 kilograms of muscle mass in a couple of months and significantly increase athletic levels.

Drug Description

Properties and effects:

  • Efficiency. The increase in muscles will be noticeable not only to you.
  • Benefits for the skeletal system. Who said that there is nothing useful in anabolic steroids? A nice bonus from the application is the strengthening of bones and ligaments. The skeleton becomes more resistant to injury, allowing it to withstand heavy loads.
  • The duration of the action. Due to the complex formula, it acts much longer than other anabolics. This has many advantages: a stable state due to a uniform hormonal background, infrequent injections, the athlete's normal well-being throughout the entire intake.
  • Minimal risk of side effects. If you follow the instructions and pass the PCT in a timely manner, there will be no undesirable consequences. The drug is relatively safe: it is allowed for both experienced doping users and beginners in this business.
  • Saving. The price of Testaplex E 250 from Axiolabs will pleasantly surprise you.

Fact! It can be used not only as the main doping, but also as a counterbalance to drugs that deplete the skeletal system. Supplement them with the course of Stanozolol - this way it will be possible to avoid many side effects.

It gives the athlete's body a lot of temporary improvements. Due to increased appetite and an increase in the number of red blood cells, additional energy appears. Regenerative processes are stimulated, and muscles begin to grow rapidly. The condition of the musculoskeletal system improves. Training becomes easier and more effective, and after heavy loads the body quickly recovers. And, naturally, an abundance of testosterone increases sexual activity.

What will be left after the end of the course? Muscle mass will grow by 5–8 kilograms. The acquired strength and endurance will not go anywhere.

Dosage and Usage

The drug can be administered only 1–2 times in seven days. The weekly dosage can range from 250 mg to 600 mg, depending on the experience and fitness of the athlete. It is useless to exceed the dose: the body will simply begin to reject the excess. But to earn these health problems is easy. Don't take risks.

The maximum duration of admission is 2 months.

There are several factors that you should pay attention to - everyone who is going to buy testosterone-based anabolics should be aware of this.

The first is a high level of aromatization. Once in the male body, part of the active substance is converted into estrogens - female hormones. Their critical concentration leads to violations that are clearly undesirable for athletes who want to look brutal.

To avoid breast growth, estrogen levels should be regularly monitored and, if necessary, aromatase inhibitors should be used.

The obvious problem with all types of "test" is the displacement of the natural male hormone. After the end of the course, the synthesis of endogenous substances may be weak. The solution to the problem is Tribulus.

Possible Side Effects

During usage, the following side effects may appear:

  • Acne.
  • Increased hair growth on the face and body.
  • Sweating.
  • Puffiness.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Excessive aggression.

As a rule, side effects appear at higher doses. Those who take anabolic wisely do not need to worry.

Further Reading

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