7Lab Pharma


Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredients:
- Testosterone Propionate 30 mg/ml
- Testosterone Phenylpropionate 60 mg/ml
- Testosterone Isocaproate 60 mg/ml
- Testosterone Decanoate 100 mg/ml
Dosage: 250 mg/mL
Manufacturer: 7Lab Pharma
Routes of Administration: By Intramuscular Injection
Price per 1 Vial [10 mL per Vial]

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Sustalab-250 Detailed

Legit Sustalab-250 Injections

Sustalab-250 by 7Lab Pharm is widely applicable, not only among athletes. The popular mixture perfectly raises the level of testosterone in the body, thereby triggering the necessary processes for muscle growth and more. Due to the complex and precisely calculated esters, the effect of Sustalab-250 is not long in coming. The composition includes in precise doses the testosterone hormones propionate, phenylpropionate, deconoate and isocaproate.

Drug Description

Each bodybuilder tries to improve his physical form due to the shape and elimination of fat mass. The drug Sustalab-250 supports, and, if necessary, increases the level of testosterone hormone, normalizing all the processes necessary for the male body:

  • increased endurance;
  • productivity during training;
  • minimizing the risk of body fat, even with special diets and regular exercise;
  • increased sexual activity (libido);
  • increase in muscle volumes;
  • provides high energy;
  • helps concentration.

Also, the normalization of the testosterone hormone prevents the appearance of insomnia, depression, lethargy and apathy.

Dosage and Usage

After the tests, and in the case of determining a low level of testosterone, the use of Sustalab-250 is recommended. The drug is produced in vials, but everywhere the dosage of the substance is 250 mg per ml. The permissible dose of the drug varies from 250 to 1000 mg for 7 days. To prevent and maintain testosterone levels, 250 mg per week will be enough. To boost slightly low testosterone levels, 500 mg would be the best option.

For men with low levels of male hormone, a dosage of 750-1000 mg per week is acceptable, however, an increased risk of side effects should be taken into account. Doses in excess of 1000 mg in 7 days are not recommended.

Sustalab-250 perfectly combines four hormones and can be easily combined with:

The first option is perfect for off-season cycles, while the rest are recommended for use during drying.

Possible Side Effects

In pursuit of the rapid manifestation of the effect of the drug, some athletes make an independent decision to exceed the dosage, violate the rules and frequency of injections. Such irresponsible behavior will invariably lead to:

  • puffiness
  • increased blood pressure
  • acne
  • baldness
  • aggression
  • malfunctions of the liver
  • muscle pain.

In addition, Sustalab-250 is contraindicated in women. The drug causes the active development of the virilization syndrome, the main features of which are coarsening of the voice, increased hair growth, cycle failure, changes in the proportions of the body and face according to the male type.

Further Reading

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