Testodex Propionate 100

Testodex Propionate 100

Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Testosterone Propionate
Dosage: 100 mg/ml
Manufacturer: Sciroxx
Routes of Administration: By Intramuscular Injection
Price per 1 Vial [10 mL per Vial]

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Testodex Propionate 100 Detailed

Legit Testodex Propionate 100 Injections

Testodex Propionate 100 is one of the commonly used anabolic and androgenic steroids in bodybuilding. The injectable oil-based preparation from Sciroxx is necessary for the development of strength indicators and a growth of muscle volume, but also due to the nature of the active substance, it is often taken during drying.

Testosterone propionate was developed in 1936 and was used in the medical field a year later. It was the first ester of the main male hormone to be sold and was used for treatment until 1960. The anabolic effect of the drug is 100% of testosterone, androgenic activity is also high - 100%. Due to the injectable form, there is no toxic effect on the liver. The active ingredient is active in the body for 2–3 days. It is possible to detect the fact of taking a steroid on a doping test 40–60 days after the completion of the cycle.

Drug Description

Testosterone propionate is a male hormone molecule with an attached propionic acid ester, it is on it that the pharmacological effects and properties of the substance depend. The drug refuses the following beneficial effects on athletes:

  • Change in nitrogen balance. The steroid provokes a rapid hypertrophy of the muscles due to the predominance of the amount of proteins over the processes of catabolism.
  • Increased insulin-like growth factor in muscle tissue and liver.
  • Activation of the recovery process, which allows you to proceed to the next workout.
  • Reducing the amount of subcutaneous fat deposits.
  • Increased sexual activity, increased libido.
  • Drawing relief, which significantly improves the appearance of the body.
  • The increase in power potential.
  • Prevention of ischemic and coronary heart disease.

The main feature of the steroid is that with well-composed doses in the body of many athletes, water does not remain in the body or this property is minimal. For this reason, testosterone propionate does not provoke a rapid increase in muscle mass by 5-6 kg in just 1–2 weeks, as when taking enanthate, but the resulting muscles using Testodex Propionate 100 will become better and drier.

When ingested, the active ingredient quickly enters the bloodstream, as a result, the effect of the steroid can be felt after the first injection. The substance is also being withdrawn soon. The drug is suitable for athletes with any level of training - beginners and experienced bodybuilders on the cutting cycle.

Dosage and Usage

Testodex Propionate 100 on a solo cycle is perfect for beginners who want to gain high-quality and dry muscle mass without the rollback phenomenon or for those who want to keep their muscles and give them relief. The first solo cycle of propionate is recommended to start with a dose of 50 mg - 0.5 ml, injections must be done every other day. Thus, it turns out to track the reaction of the athlete's body to the ester and the stability of the hormone level in the blood is ensured. Experienced bodybuilders who have previously taken anabolic and androgenic drugs inject at a dosage of at least 100 mg every other day.

It is necessary to select the dosage for each athlete individually, depending on the ultimate goal, the athlete's experience, and physiological parameters. The duration of the cycle of injections is 4–6 weeks. Taking into account the high frequency of injections, it is necessary to know how to properly administer the drug so that in the future there will be no "bumps" at the injection sites.

Testodex Propionate 100 is very rarely used as the only steroid in a cycle, as it has a high androgenic effect and combines well with other sports pharmacology products. To dry the muscles, the drug is combined on the cycle with Winstrol, Primobolan, Masteron and other steroids.

Post-Cycle Therapy

3-4 days after the cycle, it is necessary to carry out PCT using antiestrogen - Clomid, Tamoxifen or Toremifene.

Possible Side Effects

Testodex Propionate 100 rarely causes unwanted reactions. Most often, athletes complain of pain, redness and irritation at the injection site. This is further exacerbated by the high frequency of injections. Aggressive behavior is also observed.

Undesirable side reactions are provoked by the fact that the steroid is prone to aromatization and is converted into estrogen and dihydrotestosterone, like other testosterone esters. If the dosage is exceeded, improper intake may occur:

  • hair loss on the head;
  • excessive hair growth on the body;
  • acne;
  • gynecomastia;
  • masculinization (in women);
  • growth of the prostate in size (this applies to older men).

The steroid inhibits the production of natural testosterone, which is restored 2–3 months after the completion of the cycle. During a long cycle, it is required to add the introduction of Gonadotropin - 500 IU once a week, starting from the second week of the cycle.

As practice has shown, with the right dosages of the substance, taking the steroid does not affect the functioning of the liver, kidneys and other internal organs. Experts do not recommend taking propionate for female athletes because of its high androgenic effect.

Further Reading

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