I originally ordered from testosterone.to because of a suggestion by a friend. At first I was skeptical on the entire concept, ordering online has always seemed kind of off to me. So my first order was rather small, just to test the waters, and I haven't been disappointed since. The reason I did that was just to test the waters. If I research it enough, and see nothing but good reviews, then I figured "why not". I will stay loyal to TESTOSTERONE.TO
Customer Support
None was needed since the site is built in such a professional manner you are guided the whole way with no confusion.
Shipping Speed
T/a was exceptional for international..package is very low key. Orals kept very well packaged, I didn't have one broken tab.
Shipping Speed
The KP gear I previously ordered was of better quality than the stuff I get locally. Next order can't happen soon enough
Testosterone.to offers only the highest quality of Non-prescription (OTC) and prescription products at a price you can afford. Our brand name products are provided by pharmaceutical manufacturing companies that have been in operation for more than a Century.
The Testosterone.to current categorical range of bodybuilding products will continue to expand as our customers needs increase. Whether you need testosterone, anavar, dianabol, sustanon, winstrol, please browse our online store for your selection.
I originally ordered from testosterone.to because of a suggestion by a friend. At first I was skeptical on the entire concept, ordering online has always seemed kind of off to me. So my first order was rather small, just to test the waters, and I haven't been disappointed since. The reason I did that was just to test the waters. If I research it enough, and see nothing but good reviews, then I figured "why not". I will stay loyal to TESTOSTERONE.TO