Dianoxyl 10
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Methandienone
Dosage: 10 mg/pill
Manufacturer: Kalpa Pharmaceuticals
Routes of Administration: By Mouth
Price per 100 Tablets
Dianoxyl 10 Detailed
Legit Dianoxyl 10 Tablets
Dianoxyl 10 by Kalpa Pharamceuticals has the active ingredient methandienone. Methandienone is used in medicine for the treatment of various diseases associated with impaired protein metabolism, such as dystrophy or some infectious diseases that cause protein loss, as well as after severe injuries or operations. The drug is very effective in helping the body recover and gain strength and mass. It exhibits high activity at the cellular level, stimulating anabolic processes and simultaneously suppressing catabolic (protein breakdown). And it is not surprising that later bodybuilders began to use it.
Dianoxyl 10 is one of the most popular anabolics in sports and is also widely known as Dianabol, Naposima, Nerobol, Methandienone, DBOL, Anabol.
If you buy Dianoxyl 10 and take it in the recommended dosages, you can achieve muscle growth up to 2 kg weekly! Few other anabolic steroids can produce such impressive results.
Drug Description
Firstly, this steroid is a powerful anabolic. By this effect, it is twice as superior to Testosterone, because it is not destroyed by enzymes in the liver. Muscle mass increases strongly, and in parallel - strength indicators. Other anabolics lag behind Dianoxyl 10 in this respect.
Minimal androgenic effect
And in this regard, steroids based on methandienone are twice as weak as Testosterone. In practice, their androgenic effect can manifest itself only when the daily dosage of 30 mg is exceeded.
Effect on metabolism
Dianoxyl 10, being a strong anabolic, significantly enhances protein synthesis in muscle tissue and in the body of an athlete in general. Due to this, it significantly increases appetite. In addition, it acts as a fat burner.
Strengthening of bone tissue
Due to its anabolic action, this steroid strengthens the bones. This is very important, because during intense workouts in the gym, bone tissue experiences no less intense stress than muscle tissue.
Dosage and Usage
Dianoxyl 10 is taken in a daily dosage of 30 mg. Its excess is unacceptable, because it is fraught with the development of side effects. The cycle is built as follows. The steroid is started at a dose of 10 mg daily. Three days later, the dosage is doubled to 20 mg per day. Three days later, finally, it reaches 30 mg. Over the next week, it is reduced until the anabolic is completely stopped.
Possible Side Effects
Of course, such a powerful anabolic has certain side effects. Their likelihood can be minimized with the correct use of this steroid.
Toxic effect on the liver
As with any oral steroids, Dianoxyl 10 has this side effect. But it is expressed moderately and does not appear at the recommended dosages.
Estrogenic effects
Dianoxyl 10 is able to transform in the blood into estrogens - female sex hormones. Nolvadex and Clomid are taken to prevent associated side effects.
Water retention in the muscles
This effect cannot be called 100% negative, because due to it the volume of muscles increases: it is pumped with water and becomes embossed. But this also causes the phenomenon of rollback, due to which 10% - 50% of the gained muscle mass is lost.
Dianoxyl 10 Lab Test Results
Further Reading
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Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Methandrostanolone
Dosage: 20 mg/pill
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Routes of Administration: By Mouth
Price per 100 Tablets
Lab Tested: View Lab Results
Drug Class: Androgen; Anabolic Steroid
Active Ingredient: Methandrostanolone
Dosage: 50 mg/pill
Manufacturer: Dragon Pharma
Routes of Administration: By Mouth
Price per 100 Tablets
Lab Tested: View Lab Results
Active Ingredient: Methandienone
Dosage: 25 mg/pill
Manufacturer: Generic Asia
Routes of Administration: By Mouth
Price per 50 Tablets
Lab Tested: View Lab Results